Outdated equipment and technology are taking its toll on our young servicemen and women, in far too many cases killing them. Come take a ride with us so we can share convergent 3D’s advanced depth perception technology and vision to make training safer. Take a seat alongside of us as we look at a not too distant future using existing technologies that can make our training increasingly effective.
Welcome to Convergent 3D

Convergent3D is a proud member of the National Advanced Mobility Consortium, NAMC. (non-traditional)
We Will Provide “Depth” A Z-Axis, On Your 2D Display, From Your Camera.
Portable 3D Driver Vision Enhancement (DVE) for all vehicles C3D’s portable Driver Vision Enhancement (DVE) system
Medical Industry
Medical Industry Medical Imaging: CT scans, Sonograms, Mammograms, etc., telemedicine and robotic surgery Covergent3D
Pilot Safety must be first priority: C3D offers increased security for the members of the American Pilots Association, when maritime pilots maneuver to board and pilot shipping.
The simulations market alone reaches across all industries (education, gaming, medical, security, etc.).
Replacing the HMMWV, Unforeseen Risks
In the opening years of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) it became increasingly...
Military Vehicles Most at Risk of Vehicle Rollovers
It’s 3:30 a.m. and your patrol is rumbling forward off-road at a steady pace. The column is silent, except for the...
Are Military Vehicle Rollovers a New Problem?
In the first quartile of FY2020, a total of five Army personnel were killed in three tactical vehicle rollovers. The...